Custom website development will enhance your business branding, present a clear message, keep the look of your site consistent, and allow simplicity of use. The primary component to your website is development. The code that lets your website function and allows your websites users to interactive and engage your content. If you have a web form, photo gallery, secure login area, or even a website slider, then your website has a form of development.

Web development is no programmed to mobile first, then adjusted for tablet, laptop, pc's, and other devices (ie., smart tv's; IoT hubs; and more). Some development aspects are added to help your website visitor's understand how to accomplish a task on your website. Other development features may inform the visitor that a field on a web form is required before they can submit it.

Adding a form for your customers to sign-up for an email newsletter is a basic form of website development. Adding an e-commerce shopping cart and modifying it to meet your website needs would be a more advanced form of development.

TIP: Always request a written estimate and a sample draft of what you are asking for. This will ensure that you and the website developer on the same page. Do not accept an estimate or quote if the draft does not match what you are asking for.