We speak geek; < but with our clients -> We Speak English.
We understand the frustration of feeling locked into your technology. With migrations, we take you from your current system and move you to one that works better for your organization. Each year we are contacted by business owners, non-profits, and other organizations about how they are frustrated about their site, systems, and limited features. With a migration, we are able to take all of your data and move it.
Some examples of migrations include:
Website Migrations
E-commerce Migrations
CRM Migrations
Content Management System (CMS) Migrations
Custom Development Migrations
Accounting Software Migrations
Not all website developers and designers are familiar with migrations and the multiple steps involved. Our most common website migrations in 2018 are from Wordpress, Wix, Weebly, and SquareSpace. In 2018, our most common e-commerce migrations were from Etsy, SquareSpace, and WooCommerce.
We are not limited to one development language, which makes migrations a lot quicker with IE Web Services. We are here to help you with your migration project, no matter if it is a 10 page website, 4,000 sku online store, or heavily integrated CRM and accounting solution.
Get a Free Quote for more information on migrating your data and options available.